Thursday, January 24, 2013


Apparently, I have won a number of certificates at the award ceremony I missed last Friday!  That's one disappearing act I shouldn't have made.  Oh, well. There's always next semester. 

In other news, I thoroughly enjoyed being in Florida with my family.  I even employed a few acting games I learned in Creative Process.  My family does a great job of keeping me humble.  For instance, one of my nieces called me "Uncle jetsky"instead of "Uncle Jesse". She is too cute. 

Now, I'm back in Texas. It's really strange not having anything to do academically.  Some classmates are working on films, but others are just chilling.  I hope they're doing well. I'll touch base with them this weekend.   

Friday, January 18, 2013


This past week has been a blast.  I loved listening to Jim Shields pearls of wisdom about essentials, social media, and the value of being friendly. 
Later that night, I followed some other students back to campus and heard Scott Hollandsworth talk about the story behind the movie"Bernie".
Last,but certainly not least, this morning I'm being awarded a certificate for "Most Improved Student" in my class. I won't be there to receive it because I'm flying to a family reunion.  The irony is killling me.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

D.P.A. Meeting

  I went to my first Dallas Producers Association meeting last night, and it was great.

  I met a lot of wonderful people, and even some familiar faces from school.  We had a speaker named Terri Maxwell tell us about a "new world of work".  I took a few notes and even looked at some of the websites she mentioned for finding work.

  The opportunity of meeting people and learning more about what the Blues Brothers call "the profession we have chosen" was definitely worth my time.  I can actually see myself succeeding, if I can just finish school, and get in the grapevine here locally.